My Year in Books

I had a goal to read at least 12 books this year and I ended the year with 21! Some better than others, but I learned SO much this year and reading was an integral part of that.

I used to think I didn't have time to read, or I didn't have enough focus and those thoughts kept me from even starting one of the new books that decorated my nightstand.

This year, instead of hoping to find time to read in my day, I made time. I included at least 15 minutes of reading into my morning routine and that was the key for two reasons:

  • One - I made a decision. Choosing a specific time that was typically available to me allowed my brain to relax and just accept this was part of my routine. Not something I needed to hurry and finish so I could get to my routine.
  • Two - I read early, usually finished by 7:30. Early is important for me. As someone living with a chronic illness and limited energy, this year I learned to schedule anything important to me before noon to have the best chance of it actually happening AND enjoying it.

Bonus Tip for hitting my reading goal: self-compassion. I read most weekdays but skipped most weekends. If I had an early appointment, I didn't try to cram my reading in later. I didn't track my reading in any way, other than stacking them up in my office once read. There was no judgment for missing, no attempts to make anything up. No rules, just read and enjoy.

My goal for 2024 is to read 24 books and this year, I'm adding a new twist. 12 will be fiction. If you look at my stack, you'll see almost exclusively non-fiction. That was important to me for 2023, but 2024 is going to be quite different indeed (more on that soon).

Want to join me in reading 24 books in 2024? Make your commitment now and if you'd like to share your commitment with me, simply respond to this email and tell me what your first book will be.

Need some reading inspiration? Here is a list of my 2023 books, with Amazon links.

Happy Reading in 2024!


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Betsy Slay Coaching

Writer • Life Coach • Running Coach • Happier Goals

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