Taking a Summer Pause

Hello Friends!

I hope this Friday evening finds you well, and for many of you, ready to enjoy a long Memorial Day weekend.

Each year at this time I get the urge to take a pause, reduce the messaging coming at me from the world and also how much I'm sending out into it.

This year I'm feeling led to an even quieter summer than usual with much time spent in nature, reading, writing, meditation, reflection, introspection and creation.

With that, I am going to pause my weekly newsletter for a few months and restart it when the time is right.

I plan to post on social media as I feel led, so if you'd like to follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you can do so by clicking on the icons below.

I hope you are inspired to find a way to pause and refresh this summer, if you are so inclined. If you do, I'd love to hear all about it. Please feel free to reach out to me any time via email.

Thank you for being a subscriber. I cherish each and every one of you.

May you be safe. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you live with ease.


Let’s keep in touch!

Betsy Slay Coaching

Writer • Life Coach • Running Coach • Happier Goals

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