Does it matter how long it takes you to fall asleep?

I believe in the power of coaching and have experienced incredible relief from just a quick session. Schedule a free session today and let's talk about how YOU can SLEEP BETTER.

Happy Monday and welcome to Sleep Better Weekly!

This week we are going to:

  • see the results of our sleep latency poll.
  • learn why sleep latency is important.
  • take a sleep/wake poll.
  • ask ourselves an important question.

The Results are In!

Last week's poll asked how long it typically takes you to fall asleep.

  • "Less than 15 minutes" and "15-30 minutes" were tied for first place with 43% each.
  • "As soon as my head hits the pillow" came in 3rd with 14%
  • "30-60 minutes" and "more than 60 minutes" had zero respondents, so it appears my subscribers are not insomniacs (or not participating in the poll).

Bedtime Story

Sleep Latency is the term for the length of time it takes you to fall asleep and it varies widely from person to person. Here are a few takeaways I wanted to share with you from my reading this week.

  • The average person takes 10-20 minutes to fall asleep.
  • Falling asleep in less than 8 minutes could be the result of sleep deprivation.
  • Routinely taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep could be a sign of insomnia.
  • A "sleep debt" can accumulate from insufficient sleep on multiple nights in a short period. This can negatively impact physical health and cognitive ability.

Sleep Study

This week we are going to find out if falling asleep or staying asleep is the more common issue for you.

Sleep Better

How do you THINK about your sleep (or lack thereof)? Do you feel like there is something wrong with you if you struggle with sleep? Or maybe you view sleep as an enemy you must conquer in order to feel better.

Either scenario can create a vicious cycle that can rob you of that precious shuteye you so desperately seek.

THIS WEEK: "Listen" for thoughts you have about your sleep, and I'd LOVE to hear what you are thinking! Simply reply to this email and tell me all about it!

Coaching has changed my life! Not only do I coach people, I GET coached regularly too. If you are curious about coaching and how it could change YOUR life, schedule a free session today and experience it for yourself.



Let’s keep in touch!


Betsy Slay Coaching

Writer • Life Coach • Running Coach • Happier Goals

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