
Betsy Slay Coaching

Writer • Life Coach • Running Coach • Happier Goals

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Back from My Summer Pause

Happy Sunday Friends! I'm getting back to publishing my writing publicly after a much-needed summer break. I've moved over to Substack, and I invite you to read my first post, then subscribe to follow along and get notified for future posts. Betsy Let’s keep in touch!

Hello Friends! I hope this Friday evening finds you well, and for many of you, ready to enjoy a long Memorial Day weekend. Each year at this time I get the urge to take a pause, reduce the messaging coming at me from the world and also how much I'm sending out into it. This year I'm feeling led to an even quieter summer than usual with much time spent in nature, reading, writing, meditation, reflection, introspection and creation. With that, I am going to pause my weekly newsletter for a few...

Welcome back! Thanks for spending a few moments of your day with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really resonated with me this week, plus what I'm reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week. Morning Page Musings (Excerpts from my daily journaling) On Presence and Action: "How do we set about to do something, which requires looking to the future, while keeping our feet (and mind and heart) firmly planted in...

Welcome back! Thanks for spending a few moments of your day with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really resonated with me this week, plus what I'm reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week. Morning Page Musings (Excerpts from my daily journaling) On Reminiscing: "Reading it back over and reliving that day made me realize what a magical time it was." On Expectations: "I need to grieve my old life, or rather,...

Welcome back! Thanks for spending a few moments of your day with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really resonated with me this week, plus what I'm reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week. Morning Page Musings (Excerpts from my daily journaling) On Life: "Just because life has thrown me a lot of curve balls lately, doesn't mean I don't deserve all the good things life has to offer." On Therapy: "I kind of...

Welcome back! Thanks for spending a few moments of your Tuesday with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really resonated with me this week, plus what I'm reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week. Morning Page Musings (Excerpts from my daily journaling) On Small Groups: "...that has been life sustaining for me during what a friend called "our time in the friendship desert"." On Expectations: "I am trusting that...

Welcome back! Thanks for spending a few moments of your Tuesday with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really resonated with me this week, plus what I'm reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week. Morning Page Musings (Excerpts from my daily journaling) On Self-Reliance: "I thought about waiting and asking for help, but it was very important I did this one by myself." On Body Acceptance: "How do I love a body...

Welcome back! Thanks for spending a few moments of your Tuesday with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really resonated with me this week, plus what I'm reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week. Morning Page Musings (Excerpts from my daily journaling) On Summer in Florida: "Once the real summer heat hits around here, I basically go into maintenance mode and find it hard to begin a new outdoor project for a...

Welcome back! Thanks for spending a few moments of your Tuesday with me. Each week I will share excerpts from my current writing, quotes from others that have really impacted me this week, plus what I'm reading, listening to, watching, creating and excited about this week. Morning Page Musings (Excerpts from my daily journaling) On Swimming and Mobility: "The way the water holds me and allows me to feel light and move easily." On Arguments: "Most arguments are dumb, but this one was like the...

Welcome! Spring has always represented renewal and refreshment to me. It seems like the perfect time to liven things up with some fun changes, and this week those changes include my newsletter format. As you may have noticed, my target publication day will now be Tuesdays (usually - I'm human!). And instead of a lengthy written piece, I will be sharing bit-size highlights from my week, covering a variety of topics. So, grab your favorite beverage, get comfy and enjoy this premiere edition of...